What is a Pre-Authorized Water Payment Plan?
A Pre-Authorized Water Payment Plan (PWP) allows you, as a consumer, to pay for goods or services through the use of the automatic electronic withdrawal of funds from your designated financial institution. You must have a bank account with withdrawal privileges at a bank, trust company or credit union.
Here’s how the plan works
Water and Sewer charges are calculated and a water bill is issued. If you’re on PWP, you will be provided with a notice showing the amount of the charges, and the payment date of withdrawal from your bank account. The withdrawal date will be 21 days from the date of the printing and mailing of the notice, so that you will have almost 3 weeks advance notice of the withdrawal amount.
If a withdrawal is refused by your financial institution (i.e. NSF), there will be a $41.00 handling charge, and your account will be removed from the PWP plan. Penalty may apply in these circumstances.
Before your application for PWP is accepted your account must be paid in full and clear of any previous charges.
This authorization may be cancelled any time by written notice. Such notice must be delivered to our office no less than thirty (30) days prior to the next payment withdrawal.
Please attach a sample cheque marked “Void” or a copy of a Direct Deposit form (available from your bank account). The purpose of the VOID cheque or Direct Deposit form is to allow us to obtain your bank transit code information. If you’re changing bank accounts, please provide 30 days notice.
To obtain further information about the plan, please contact the Treasury Department at 705-329-7239.
Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 56 under the authority of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 and will be used by the City of Orillia Treasury Department for collection of tax revenue.
Questions about this collection should be directed to the Treasury Department, 50 Andrew Street South, Orillia, ON L3V 7T5 705-329-7239.